To the editor – Climate change or climate trend, D. & N. Hanaman

To the editor,

Dale is a retired United Methodist pastor and Nancy is a retired public librarian.  It is clear to both of us that the need to make the substitution of climate “trend” for climate “change” and “creation science” instead of “evolution” is a move to the conservative religious right – to not offend these people. 

In our study of biology and humanity over these last 65 years we strongly understand that humanity has evolved. We are fully aware and know that human beings have contributed to placing exceedingly greater amounts of CO² in our atmosphere. This action has caused global warming, increased disastrous storms, earthquakes, and enhanced more rampant fires.

To not teach our children’s children and their grandchildren about our world is atrocious. We cannot whitewash or cover up how we are treating our world and dumb down issues that affect us all.

In the public schools where children of different backgrounds study together, climate change and evolution need to be taught.

Dale & Nancy Hanaman, Greene County residents

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